Well, never will I say that sitting around not actively looking for jobs doesn't work, because within the last week I've had three! They all kind of fell into my lap via my various great friends here, but now I'm back to being jobless, but as you know that never bothers me. Other great things that happened within the last week:
1. I went to see the Social Network and For Colored Girls Only, both were great in their own interesting way.
2. My Monon ticket came in the mail + Monique is coming with me down to school + I'm driving!
3. The Lecrae concert tomorrow! This one of course hasn't happened yet, but I'm expecting great things!
4. Helping out in my church kitchen while wearing my KAA shirt inspired some great flashbacks of all the good times I had there. (added bonus I found my KAA cup! I didn't even know that I had lost it! extra added bonus I got to do a cheer!)
5. Mixed emotions being cleared up (but now that they are clear I'm not sure of the next step so I'm now in a different boat of confusion, but I've always liked boats.)
6. This picture (on the side of the post) found on frkncngz.com just made my Saturday!
7. The power of prayer.
I hope that you had a wonderful week and continue to have a great weekend!