Monday, December 20, 2010

Nutshell life.

This picture explains my love life in a nutshell.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crafting for Christmas!

I once again am crafting for Christmas and I'm borrowing a sewing machine today! I'm so excited! What am a crafting you may ask? Now, why would I ruin that surprise? In other news I finished revising my resume! Now all I have to do is finish school so that I can use it. In other (other) news, I like your face.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snow day!

Things I did on the first day of snow (in no particular order):
1. Woke up/before I put my t-shirt on/Fell to my knees/Thanked the Lord for the new shalom (Lecrae cd is still on repeat!)
2. Cleaned my bathroom
3. Broke an a.t.m (it actually ate my money and then broke)
4. Went on a mad search and finally found Kanye's newest c.d. (in real life I just went to two stores)
5. Shoveled/played in the snow
6. Went to the Sweet Honey in the Rock concert and was blown away!
7. Slept/netflixed
Yay for the changing of seasons and the beautiful snow (even though I'm sure I'll get over it real quick!)

Friday, November 19, 2010

In other news...

Admist all that anger I am happy about two things:
1. The DePauw production of "Much Ado About Nothing", starring Lemlia of course! I am so proud of them and wish them the best of luck in every performance!
2. Wifey's senior dinner. I hear they are doing a Harry Potter theme and I'm sure they are having loads of fun!

Serious Business.

Ok, now I am angry. I am angry that I am missing my first semester of my senior year. I am angry that I can't see my friends everyday. I am angry that I am missing all the events going on at school. I am angry that the school can not help me. But most of all, I am angry at myself for not doing anything about it. As Fannie Lou Hamer would say I am sick of being sick and tired (I may have paraphrased that). So now, I am done being angry and I am making plans to be re-instated at school. I will of course keep you posted!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

From nothing to something

Well, never will I say that sitting around not actively looking for jobs doesn't work, because within the last week I've had three! They all kind of fell into my lap via my various great friends here, but now I'm back to being jobless, but as you know that never bothers me. Other great things that happened within the last week:
1. I went to see the Social Network and For Colored Girls Only, both were great in their own interesting way.
2. My Monon ticket came in the mail + Monique is coming with me down to school + I'm driving!
3. The Lecrae concert tomorrow! This one of course hasn't happened yet, but I'm expecting great things!
4. Helping out in my church kitchen while wearing my KAA shirt inspired some great flashbacks of all the good times I had there. (added bonus I found my KAA cup! I didn't even know that I had lost it! extra added bonus I got to do a cheer!)
5. Mixed emotions being cleared up (but now that they are clear I'm not sure of the next step so I'm now in a different boat of confusion, but I've always liked boats.)
6. This picture (on the side of the post) found on just made my Saturday!
7. The power of prayer.
I hope that you had a wonderful week and continue to have a great weekend!

Monday, November 1, 2010

This is Halloween!

Well actually it is November 1st, but this post is going to talk about my wonderful Halloween weekend down at school! The residents of Warne 3 (well, most of them anyway) dressed as Where's Waldo? and had a fun time frolicking around campus and popping awkwardly into the background of people's photos! It was an interesting weekend filled with scary movies, mixed emotions, snuggling, eating, tickling, giggling, nakedness, strange people making out in weird costumes, and above all loads of love! As always it was so much fun seeing people and just a reminder that I need to work that much harder to get back into school, because I miss them all terribly! No seriously it's like I'm missing a limb (yes, that serious).
Since it is November 1st here is a list of things that needed to be done in October that I'm still finishing up:
1. Make the final corrections to my resume
2. Really start seriously looking for a seasonal job
3. Buy my Monon ticket
4. Call Chase
5. Write in my journal
6. Update my blog more
7. Touch up my tattoo
8. Work out more (which I did today! I worked out to a cassette of Micheal Jackson's "Bad" it was what I like to call "My old school work-out swag") Hopefully I'll be able to get all of these things finished in November! I can only hope : )

Monday, October 25, 2010


*My weekend was absolutely rocked by Jesus. He just kept sending reminders that I should be so appreciative of my life. This weekend was a great but tiring one. I got to go to a creepy corn maze in the middle of nowhere (life lesson for this week kids, bring cash when you are going to the middle of nowhere, because if you don't you have to go to the middle of nowhere town and search for a ATM), then Justin came in for his birthday and we did some "shopping".
*This all happened on Friday and for some reason Friday night I just couldn't get to sleep and then I woke up super early on Saturday and did some more "shopping" with Liz and Charlotte, visited Aisha and the rock'n'rolla, all throughout this I'm in communication with people trying to make dinner plans for Justin's birthday and it just wasn't coming together like it should. So long (frustrating) story short I was really tired by Justin's birthday dinner and in a bad mood. Now, I'm not the type of person to put on a brave face and pretend that I'm not in a bad mood (that's silly to me! I'm not going to pretend to be ok when I'm not. I feel that's deceptive) when I'm in one, but since it was Justin's birthday I tried to be friendly (but failed miserably).
*So we are finally heading home on the train when all of a sudden it comes to an abrupt stop (I'm talking brakes burning kind of stop) and they cut the power off. So now we are sitting in a semi-dark train car at one in the morning with no clue as to what was going on. So Q, Monique, and myself just start praying and before I'm even done praying we regain power and make it to our stop safely. Apparently someone was on the tracks that's why they had to cut the power. So that was lesson number one on why I should be appreciative. I mean anything could have been going on during that time we were stopped (and trust me I went through all the scenario's in my mind), but God allowed us to get home safely. Awesome.
*My second lesson just came from an amazing church service about Jonah and how he never stopped focusing on and praising God, even when he was at his lowest in the belly of the fish. It was just a reminder that I should never stop praising God, because He is forever faithful
*And my third and final lesson (well final fr omthis weekend, because God is continually teaching me) came from watching an amazing documentary titled "Very Young Girls". It was about prostitution in then United States and how many people (myself included) view that as an overseas problem, when really it's happening right here. It was a really emotional movie to watch, because that could have been me or one of my sisters or one of my friends if our home situations had been different. But it made me so thankful to God that no one I know has ever had to experience that and I'm going to work to make sure that those girls that are involved with it have a way out.
Well that was my wonderful weekend and I won't apologize for this post being so long because my God is an awesome God and He deserves so much more than this.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Things this non-working girl did today:
1. Stopped by Water Tower and gazed longingly at things I couldn't afford.
2. Ate at Kung-Fu Panda (according to Justin, but just known as Panda Express to the rest of us folks).
3. Went to a Haunted Corn Maze and acted a complete fool.
Things this non-working girl should have done today:
1. Update my resume.
2. Find a job and/or internship.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well since Q has not written on here in forever I've officially decided to take over and be sole writer of the blog (Q never was a big writer, so hey we tried!). And I've sort of/kind of now have a journey I want to take my (3) readers along, and that is my adventures in not working/sort of looking for work (trust me it a. is not as boring as it seems and b. sounded better in my head).
Now, I've loved not being in school (correction I've loved not doing homework, but I would kill to be back at school) and not having a job. I love lists so now let me present you with why I've loved not doing any productive work:
1. I've been actually able to get up in the morning and read my Bible! It has made all the difference in my day.
2. I've been able to sleep in!
3. I've been watching obscene amounts of anything on Netflix.
4. Evening chats with my younger sister (she is hilarious!)
5. I've gotten to read books that I want to read and not have to.
6. The weather has been wonderful and I've just gotten to lay outside and roll around in the leaves all day.
But, finally enough disparaging looks from my mother has prompted me to at least look for work (plus she has purposefully moved my bed into a position where when the sun comes up it shines directly on my face so I now have no choice but to get up at the crack of dawn), and this is where you come in and get to read all about my exciting madcaps in looking for said job. I suggest you hold on to your hats kids, it's going to be a roller coaster ride into minimum wage (I promise!)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Absolutely fantastic!

This is why I love Glee! I can't post the video, but you must follow the link and check out Mercedes and Santana absolutely killing this song! I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Birthday photo!

This is what frkncngz had for its photo on my birthday. Love it. Love the people that God put in my life. Happy birthday to me indeed!
the birthday girl!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things I've learned conclusion.

So my last day of being 21, and here are seven more things that I have learned this past year (and just in life in general):
1. You can watch an entire season of a television series in one day. All you need is determination and water breaks.
2. Naps are one of the most wonderful things ever created. Nap well, nap often.
3. Always try to catch one sunrise a year.
4. Travel before you have kids. I've never personally experienced this, but it looks hard and painful.
5. Always wish on 11:11
6. My 3 sisters are beyond words amazing.
7. My God is an awesome God. Ask me about Him anytime!
I wonder what I'll learn next year!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Things I've learned continued...

Here is another seven wonderful things I've learned in my 21 years on Earth:
1. As you grow older you regress in age. As I said in my facebook status I've managed to get an oowie and washed some gum that was in my jeans. I'm having flashbacks to 1993.
2. Strawberry milk really should be the only milk people drink.
3. Being who you are naturally attracts people, it doesn't repel them (unless you are a weirdo, but then you attract other weirdo's so it's fine).
4. If you go to bed during the summer and your feet aren't completely filthy, you aren't living life correctly.
5. You should try to make as many people laugh during the day as you can.
6. If you see something you like on another person, compliment them. I mean they put the effort in, they should know other people appreciate it.
7. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. He created your voice and loves how it sounds (even if others around you don't).

Monday, October 4, 2010

Things I've learned.

Seeing as it is my last couple of days being 21, I've decided to share seven things that I've learned this past year. Yes, exciting I know!
1. Franzia is the devil.
2. Never follow trends, set them.
3. You're never too old for Hello Kitty.
4. Find one beautiful thing a day and focus on that.
5. Wear fun nail polish all year round.
6. Classic Disney can brighten even the worst day.
7. Running with scissors is both therapeutic and liberating.
Warning: All these things I've learned may not apply to everyone. Use them with caution.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Princess and the Frog

Well, once again I have stayed up entirely too late and watched another great Disney movie. But as always it has provided me with great inspiration! love, ktv

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall foolishness

Here are some of the great activites planned for the lovely fall weather that is coming our way! Sept. 23 - Liz's birthday! Sept. 24 - Liz's birthday dinner. Sept. 25 - Apple orchard Oct. 6- Tyler's birthday! Oct. 7 - MY BIRTHDAY! and Meghan J's! Oct. 18 - Shan's birthday! Oct. 22 - Corn maze Oct. 31 - Fright Fest at Six Flags Nov. 6 - Horseback riding Yay fall! It is my absolute favorite season, because it's a little chilly but as you can see you can still do a ton of fun things! What're your plans for fall? love, ktv ps- Keep your fingers crossed that my parents decide to buy another car, so I can sneak in some visits to school!

Friday, September 3, 2010


I'm in a rut. I need to be out of this rut. I'm going to get out of this rut God willing, starting now. I raised nothing but champions and I need to start including myself in that statement. love, ktv

Friday, August 13, 2010

New York by the numbers

*Favorite quotes: "New York is hella dirty" - Aquillia Mikel
"She's fatter then I thought, maybe it's because of all the robes" - Aquillia talking about the Statue of Liberty
*Trips to SoHo: 2
*Things brought (not including food): 2 (a lovely dress and some balling red sunglasses)
*Times the word reckless was used: Too many to count. I'm guessing in the hundreds though
*Bars I've visited: 5 (Berry Park - had a great rooftop view of Manhattan, Viva - this one had a mechanical bull, The Levee - which had board games and candy, The Groove - which had an awesome live band, and one named after a hotel
*The Deji tour includes: Stopping by the where the Twin Towers used to be, Wall Street, the Statue of Liberty, Stone street, Soho, good eats
*Tracey Dewland is awesome because: She is letting us stay with her in Williamsburg in Brooklyn for free, she had a birthday and is now 21, She is a champ and can stay up till 3 in the morning and still make it to work, she knows where great thrift stores are, she discovered a band (This Frontier needs Heroes) and we got to go to their radio recording
*Times I've seen someone make up a musical on the spot: 1
As you can see New York is pretty bleh. I'm not having any fun at all. Alright I have to go visit the Guggenheim and do some more shopping. My work here never ends.
love (all the way from NY),

Friday, August 6, 2010

Gordon Family Reunion!

To celebrate my family reunion this weekend I'm going to post some videos I like. Makes sense right? Well these songs are very happy and my family makes me happy so it makes sense to me! love, ktv

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

To tweet (you know the rest)

Hey gang!
I'm always inspired to blog when Lemlia does (I can't believe that they are gone). What can I say I've always been more of a blog follower then writer. Well, I have come to you because something heavy has been on my heart, should I open a twitter account? I maintain that my life is not that interesting, but I would enjoy following some people and I do see a lot of interesting things throughout the day. Help!
ps- And I can't believe that summer is almost over! This weekend I have the Gordon family reunion and this time next week I'll be well on my way to my adventures in New York! Then camp college which is never not a good time!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer update

Summer 2010 is still going along just swimmingly. Friday we went to Wrigleyville and it was a hot mess of epic proportions (can't wait to go again this Friday!). People have came and visited and it has been just too, too lovely. NY, NY in just a couple of weeks. But now reality is rapidly catching up with me and I need to work on some stuff for school and *gasp* work on stuff to do after I graduate. Oh, Summer 2010, why can't you just last forever?!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wackness 101.

So, I got a lovely message from a guy this morning asking me to tell one of my friends to basically be his friend. What?! Is that not Humanity 101 to not use people to get to another person? I guess in today's society it is the norm, but I mean at least he could have been subtle about it. Or maybe I should appreciate his honesty in basically letting me know that my only use to him is to get to my friend. But now I know that I never want to be his friend. Oh well, his loss!


It was a good yet emotional weekend. Shan and Em.Friend came up and that was tons of fun! I wish that they lived here so we could do that every weekend. But then on Sunday it was Amanda and Aaron's last day at church and one of our church members recently passed so that sucked. But we had a s'mores party and some people came that I hadn't seen in awhile, but then it rained (after I had finished making the best fire in my entire s'mores history, and really my life), but we still had fun indoors. And this week I've got more babysitting jobs lined up so that means more money for New York, New York! Yay!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Yay! My wife is my 3rd follower! I'm so happy! Slowly, but surely this will become the best blog ever!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The original Avatar.

Heck yea Aang!
Saw this today with the fam, and it was perfect! Next on board is Simeon's party tomorrow (ah he turned one today!) and the bbq at the Bailey's also tomorrow. And then the 4th is this Sunday so I'm sure there will be tons of fun stuff to do. And next weekend both Em.Friend, Case-face, and Shan will be in town. I'm saving up all my energy for the best weekend ever with all of them! So excited : )

Monday, June 28, 2010

Real jobs.

As you guys know I've been nannying (ok, babysitting but doesn't nannying sound so much better?!) for the lovely Simeon. This requires me getting up at around 6 a.m. and lead me to the realization that I can not handle a real job once I graduate college within the next year (eek). So I'm really considering a field that doesn't require me getting up until about 9 (9:30) so if anyone knows of any openings for jobs like that please let me know!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Weekend update.

Today: Going to Sound Bar to celebrate Maria's upcoming birthday.
Tomorrow: Gremlin/Crash pad housewarming party.
Sunday: Father's day.
The outlook for this weekend's fun forecast looks stunning. Hope you enjoy your weekend as much as I'm going to enjoy mine!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've had an Alexander type day (you know terrible, horrible, no good, very bad sort of day), but then I saw this picture ( and got to hang out with my nephew all day and realized life ain't so terrible, horrible, no good, very bad all the time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is love. Well, summer love that is.

I am going today to stare for 2.5 hours at this lovely man. Bradley Cooper is the love of my summer. I don't know when it happened, but one day I was obsessed with him. I haven't loved like this since Shane West did A Walk to Remember. We are going to have a beautiful and lovely relationship for the rest of the summer and perhaps beyond.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wonderful Web Wednesday's.

I have two wonderful web video's that I have been obssessed with for you guys today. First off, She & Him "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here", because I just saw them in concert and I love this song. Second, the always wonderful Alicia Keys in her video "Unthinkable". I would risk shunning for CMM in any time period too! Enjoy and I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday! love, ktv

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

She & Him

Where to even begin? So much has been going on! Well, on Friday Liz had a birthday party for Christina and I think this quote sums up the whole night nicely: "She is a clucker. Excuse me, she looks like an unsavory character"
Saturday was literally the busiest day of my life. I went to Jessica's graduation/birthday party for a hot minute. Then Cady had her birthday dinner at the fantastic Market Bar (where I got a card from a security guard, because I looked intelligent [I told him not to let the glasses fool him] and sweet). Then I was one of the chaperone's for Justin's after prom activities. We went skating and then we went to IHOP and we didn't get back to our respective homes until 5:30 a.m. Legacy always manages to have really late nights. I think they figured out the formula for not getting into trouble. Just stay out really late and you'll be too tired to do anything. Genius.
Sunday was the MTV Movie Awards and Aziz Ansari was a great host, but the Twilight saga won literally everything and that pissed me off. And we got to pick Monique up (really she should have taken the bus and she would have been home, but no she insisted we pick her up).
Monday I got to "see" She & Him and it was great! So many hipsters in one place it was redic and lovely. Well that pretty much sums up my life for right now. Upcoming events this week include a movie with Lezlee today, lunch with Aleia tomorrow and s'mores party on Friday! I will say it once again, I LOVE SUMMER 2010!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting.

This week I got to babysit for Simeon twice. I had to be up at an ungodly hour in the morning (I guess it is all in preparation for real life), but it was fine because he is so adorable! Today I get to hang out with L.Durham and I'm very excited about that.
And tomorrow I get to babysit for my favorite rock'n'rolla. And then on Saturday I have to attend Jessica's graduation/birthday party, Cady's birthday dinner, and Justin's after prom activities. Of course I should I would do it all so I'm in for another busy weekend, and I love it!

ps- HAPPY 21ST TO CADY! You will always be the Wonder to my Wheat.

Monday, May 31, 2010


EMILY IS 21! She made it, and Laura, Shan, and myself are so proud of ourselves for getting her there. We went to a great joint birthday party for her on Friday night. We got to hang out with some great, great people. And we also learned that the brown line train stops running at 1:10 am (but cabs are like vultures).
On Saturday we got to play at Matt's and we went to the Gingerman (Laura's favorite new bar) and we learned that sometimes people in the military like to get schwasty on their leaves (we also learned that the Fullteron bus runs all night).
Then on Sunday they got to come visit me in my home and we played around Oak Park and they got to met Evan (whom they just loved, but really who doesn't?). Then we played at the beach that night (and learned that the cops come and shut it down at around 10:30 with the most annoying sirens ever invented).
But now Shannon and all the other lovely guests that stayed at Hotel Lem are gone and it's back to real life and finding a job and wondering about this internship. But, I get to baby-sit Simeon tomorrow and I'm so excited about it! I only have a little time left with him, because Amanda and Aaron are moving to Ohio. So, so sad but it is where God is leading them and it's not like I won't ever see them again (just not as frequently). Anywho it was a great weekend, but I'm so tired and need to be up early tomorrow so goodnight blog world.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So, the Bible study group went bowling tonight which was awesome. But where it really got awesome is when we left the bowling alley. We noticed on the way over that they appeared to be filming a movie, but no one really investigates. So after we are through bowling, all of a sudden, there is just this amazing fireworks show. So we're watching these fireworks and Shantel really wants to know what movie this is for, so I go and ask some of the crew and they tell me they are filming this movie called Chasers and it is starring Vince Vaughn and Winona Ryder, but the fireworks have absolutely nothing to do with it! They actually had to stop filming, because the fireworks were messing up all the sound. So anywho we never found out why they were randomly shooting off fireworks in the Chicago River, but it was truly amazing no matter why they were doing it!
Summer 2010 is really shaping up to be the best, because also today I got to hang out with Emily and Laura again (and Matt was there!) and tonight at the store I found my long-lost friend Evan! It has truly been a great day. And tomorrow I get to baby-sit Simeon for a couple of hours. I'm literally having the best time of my life and summer has barely begun! Stay tuned for more updates kids, it's starting to get interesting : )

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer flings.

I LOVE SUMMER! My mom's retirement party was one great big open bar, dance party, lovely speeches, great plaques, cariacture drawing extravaganza! But, most importantly my mommy had so much fun. She is the greatest lady ever and I love her dearly! Sunday I had the crew over for breakfast. It was a great, great time. The buttermilk pancakes my dad made were simply the best. Also on Sunday I had the infinite pleasure of stopping by Lemlia's place. It is literally the cutest apartment you will ever see! Seeing them here was just mind-blowing. I can't believe I get to hang out with them all summer! Today, I'm going to stop by Q's class and met some of the people she hangs out with! I'm so excited! Until next time wonderful blog! love, ktv ps- Apparently they lock the gate here so I had to climb over it to get into my house. Summer 2010 has officially begun!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Home again, home again (jiggy jig!)

I AM HOME! I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL! I AM A SENIOR! I AM PREPARING FOR THE BEST SUMMER EVER! You want to know why? Of course you do! First off, Lemlia is going to be up here all summer doing awesome internships. Secondly, Shan is going to be coming up a lot (she's actually coming up here next weekend for E's birthday) and finally all my amazing friends and family who live here! So stay tuned for some fabulous updates. Before I go let me tell you how I plan to start off my summer. Yesterday I went to T.G.I.F with Q and Monique and a good time was had by all (except maybe by the people sitting by us in the resturant. We of course were being loud). Then tonight I have my mom's retirement party (she sent me a text to be sure to wear my dancing shoes. I'm excited about it!). Saturday I'm not sure what I'm doing but it's going to be nice, so maybe I'll head downtown! Then Sunday I have church (and then maybe I'll head up to Lemlia's apartment and see if they need any help moving in!). Oh, and of course I have to catch up on all the Chuck episodes that I have missed! But my first mission is to finish unpacking, bleh. But luckily I have an amazing packing/unpacking playlist to listen too! Until next time!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


*What I needed to do today: 1. Work on my American Lit. final 2. Work on my resume and other things for this internship 3. Work on my final paper for African American Lit. *What I have done today: 1. Nap 2. FB chat flirt 3. Have lunch with J.P. 4. Nap 5. Have 1.99 margaritas with Laura and Shan at Los Martinez 6. Watch Laura and Emily's awesome scenes 7. Watch Glee (yes it was fantastic! NPH is the love of my life) But hey! The day isn't over. Maybe by midnight I'll knock out all the things I need to do. Or maybe I'll just settle down for bed now. love, ktv

Monday, May 17, 2010

What it do rain.

Dear rain,
Surprisingly, you make studying for finals even harder than when it is sunny. For now all I want to do today is snuggle and watch a variety of Disney movies. For some reason I started thinking of Aladdin in my final this morning (which went well, thanks for asking). Sigh, let me get back to working on this American Lit. final. Oh, but I am excited for One Tree Hill tonight! And tomorrow's Glee with Neil Patrick Harris! Ah! Is it going to be the best Glee ever? I think so!
ps- I've got to remember to keep Number Two in my prayers. She's going through a rough time.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pandora's box.

I fall more in love with Pandora everyday. Today this song played and it just reminded me how much in love with it I was/am. I would hack Shan's Itunes everyday to listen to it. Once again another reminder that finals week is not the worst thing in the world!
Ps- A big congratulations to my sister Aisha Pernall for graduating with her Masters today! I'm so proud!

So true.

I'm in love with this quote. Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Finals week 2010

So I might be M.I.A over the next few days due to finals. Who knew that those would eventually be here? But just in case you are concerned here are some things that going to help me de-stress over finals:
1. First a lesson learned: I need to braid up my hair every night before going to bed. Combing it out this morning was the worst (ok this was kind of stressful but now I know so over finals weeks I won't have this to worry about)
2. Townies singing along to Birthday Sex outside of the library. It was wonderful and disturbing all at the same time.
3. The upcoming Let's Get Dangerous party tonight. Oh no worries, I will!
4. The upcoming Depauwcappella concert tomorrow!
5. The various movies and tv programs that I will be watching instead of studying for finals.
6. Looking at pictures of my adorable nephew.
That is all I have for now. Hopefully they'll be some other de-stressers that help me along this week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm into it

Things I'm really into right now:
1. Strawberry-banana smoothies! So delicious on this cloudy and slightly chilly day.
2. The roof-top film festival we are having today.
3. Dinner with some of my very best friends.
4. Writing poems (perhaps I'll share some one day)
5. Thinking about the future (it doesn't scare me like most people. Should I be worried?)
6. The last day of classes.
7. Flirting over facebook chat.
What are you into?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rainy days.

Various things can happen on rainy days. Some good, some bad. For example,
1. You can wear lovely boots that have no traction and slip on the stairs. This may not sound so bad, but then the hand that you throw out to catch yourself has your i.d. (which you know is how you get into your building and how you eat) in it which you promptly end up cracking and having to replace.
2. SHANNON HAS A BLOG! It is super fantastic and already better than mine in the one day that she has had it.
3. Shorter classes.
4. People yelling that they love your hair from their car (this happened yesterday but it still is making me smile today!)
5. Changing your blog a little bit. Now you can follow all the wonderful blogs that I follow (and steal stuff from)
6. Adorable smirks from adorable cousins.
7. The good always outweighs the bad!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Some people do not appreciate nuzzling, but do not let that detour you! My favorite is the sneak-attack nuzzle. It is very awkward and magical! Have you nuzzled someone today?

Monday, May 10, 2010

10 Things I love about Q!

10. I love that you are always there for your friends.
9. I love how selective you are.
8. I love your ability to make anyone smile.
7. I love that when you smile you look like a cartoon character.
6. I love that we agree on practically nothing.
5. I love your indecisiveness.
4. I love your style.
3. I love that your not afraid to live life.
2. I love that your a realist (but there is a dreamer within you).
1. I love you!

Happy birthday to you!

This post is dedicated to all things Q! Because it is your birthday and I love you tons and tons (even if you never write on our blog). First off a picture montage.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Factual Fridays

I am in love with this really cute shot-glass! I hope everyone enjoys their Friday evening!

Don't know why

I don't know why this is the cutest thing that I have ever seen! Happy Friday my loves!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Crazy people

The video cuts off at the end but you get the general gist of it. Welcome to my love life!

Happy Monday...maybe

I'm not sure if this quote is supposed to be uplifting or depressing. I guess it really depends on how you look at it.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Famous quotes

*Shan and myself discussing tanning.
Me: Well, I peel.
Shan: But you don't peel into a paler color like everyone else. You just peel into a more delicious chocolate color.

*My mom and me discussing boys.
Mom: Katie Girl, this is no time for you to be insecure.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You'll need these ingredients to create a perfect day:
1. Your one and only class cancelled.
2. Sunshine
3. Fro-yo
4. A porch with rocking chairs
5. A good chat with one of your best friends.
6. Someone having the brilliant idea to make funnel cake.
7. Funnel cake
8. A new episode of Glee.
Mix all of these ingredients together and sit back and enjoy the day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ribbons and bows.

I thought my fro was just going to be a fun weekend hairstyle, but as the support continues to pour in I've decided to keep it! So I'm heading off to Wal-mart to buy pretty hair bows and ribbons like these! So excited!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Magic fro!

I love all the support that I am getting for my new hairstlye! I believe my fro has magic powers and I've been using them!
ps- If you wanted to know how I looked during my last post this picture is the exact answer to that question.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yesterday I reached a new level of awkward. I'm talking "sitting alone in a bar with a ballon tied around my wrist" awkward. And you know what? I was completely and totally fine with it!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh what to do...

*What I need to do today:
Find a job for the summer
*What I want to do:
Finish the book Possible Side Effects
Read F U Penguin
*What I've actually done:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Figure it out and let's go!

What I like today: I like re-discovering songs that I loved. Maroon 5's "Figure it out" illustrates this example. Enjoy!

Wide lawns and small minds

While two of my loves travel to Chicago I can't but help think of home and how much fun we are all going to have this summer! But first, I need to get a job. Suggestions are now being taken.