Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Worst.

Well, this weekend was the worst.
First: I got sexually harassed while eating an ice cream cone from McDonald's. It is a sad day in this world when one can not walk down the block enjoying ice cream without a man pulling up and demanding you lick it again, because it is extremely sexy. And it's a really sad day when that man insists and proceeds to hold up traffic for, what felt like hours, but in actuality was only a couple of minutes. But still long enough to cause a traffic jam. Next time sir, I will call the cops.
Second: Our dj at the Tonic Room got fired! But not before we were subjected to about an hour and a half of bluegrass music whilst waiting for him. Now, I love "O, Brother Where Art Thou?" as much as the next person (to be honest probably more then the next person), but it's not what I want to listen to for an hour and a half on a Friday evening. So now we are in limbo. Hopefully the Tonic Room will hire someone great and we will continue to dance our lives away there. But, if not I'm not sure what we are going to do. It took as all summer long to not have to pay, to get to know the greatest bouncer and bartenders ever, and for them to recognize our faces. I don't want to start over at a new place. The Tonic Room is perfect! It's just the right size with just the right people. Sigh, I hope they get it together.
Third: Well, really this ends my list, but do I need to say anything else?! This weekend was a serious bummer. I mean even the doughnut sandwich at the newly opened Bleeding Heart Bakery couldn't fill the hole in my heart. I need a weekend off to come to terms with everything that happened. So hopefully next time we met I'll have a better report. love,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is an s.o.s. I need someone to give me a crash course on how to talk to guys. I think that its gone from bad to worse. For example, every Friday we frequent the Tonic Room and, let's just call him the greatest bouncer ever, is there. I don't know why I keep going back I've managed to completely embarrass myself every weekend.
Little known fact about me, I love McDonald's ice cream. So there is a Mickey D's down the street from the Tonic Room, so I've decided that it is acceptable to go every week and get a cone. I just don't know why I think that it's fine to bring ice cream to the bar. Every week. No one looks good stuffing thier face with ice cream. And this week he found out all of our ages and deemed me a baby. I don't know why whenever someone calls you a baby, you immediately begin to act like one. My brilliant response to that was to stomp my feet in protest and declare I am not a baby. To further add to my baby image was our conversation thirty minutes later when he asked what I was doing on Saturday. I decided it was ok to admit that I was doing chores. At my house. Where I still live with my parents. HEELLPP!
Despite all this I will be back next week. Complete with ice cream.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kids Across America: Kaleo edition

I've forgotten to write about KAA and what a wonderful time I had there. I mean, to sum it all up quickly I had a wonderful time! I got to re-visit being a komo and work in the kitchen one morning (I completely forgot how early we had to get up!) and I got to see some of the lovely people I worked with two years ago. They are still so lovely and great. I got to play in Branson (yay for senior citizen's Las Vegas!) and get some rocking earrings. My kids opened up during Cross Talk and it was heartbreaking to hear their struggles, but wonderful that they trusted me to open up about their problems. The kids had a bit of a culture shock adjusting to camp, but overall I think that they learned a lot and really enjoyed it and I pray that they want to go back next year!
I think the most impacting lesson I learned that week was at KAA 3's Cross Talk where the director said: If you flirt with sin, it's going to rape you. The images that, that statement conjured up were so powerful and have stuck with me. I've just been really trying to not place myself in situations where myself, or others, can be tempted to stumble. I think people try to play with sin too much and are surprised when it doesn't turn out in their favor. I'm trying to avoid it at all costs and I thank God I never was good at flirting.
In other news, I have decided to not pursue guys that I like. I'm going to start pursuing those I hate, because those I like always (and yes, I mean always!) have something wrong with them. And I'm not talking general human imperfections, I'm talking they have criminal records. I can neither confirm or deny that this happened at camp. Alright, I'm out!