Friday, August 4, 2017

Bar crawl 2k17

Hi ya'll!

This summer has been too interesting to not write about,so I'm dusting off my favorite blog to write on, so get excited! So, I went on a bar crawl with one of my nearest and dearest to discover some new bars. Naturally there are some stories that came out of this crawl. And, since I love lists, I'll give you a list of bars and some stories from each one.

1. First up was a bar called Anthem. We get in and the guy leading the bar crawl shakes my hand and asks me if I'm Charlene. Now, my first thought is, did you just think of a black name and decide to call me that?! What type of north side nonsense did I decide to get myself into?! But out loud, all I said was no, not me at all, because it was going to be a long day and I didn't want to get kicked out at the first bar. And he of course was appropriately embarrassed and since he was cute, we laughed about it and moved on. But, I was not feeling confident about this crawl and how it started off, but I'm not a quitter, so I decided to solider on.
So, Lezlee and myself are enjoying ourselves and it is time to move on, but she isn't finished with her drink, so we were lagging behind the group. Then one of the bar attendants takes it upon himself to question us and why we are still there. Naturally that doesn't put us in the best state to stay, so we start to leave and he was like, oh I didn't mean you had to leave. Oh, you didn't sir?! Then why did you mention it in the first place?! I mean it's fine, we had four more bars to get to anyway!

2. Onward we forged to bar number two, Easy Bar (fascinating fans, please go and check them out!) and that is when people decided to get friendly. The first thing that happened is that while waiting at the bar for our drinks I met Charlene! And after seeing her, I had to apologize to our bar crawl leader, because she was indeed an African American girl with glasses and an afro. I understood the confusion, and he was lucky that we did favor one another.
Once me and Lezlee got our drinks, we decided we didn't want to be social and went to go sit in the back where there weren't a ton of people. But, of course, the people sought us out. A guy comes over and starts chatting us up and that just opened the floodgates. A group of four others decide to join us and we were like, no new friends! But, we were raised right so we put up with small talk for a bit. Later on in the evening, Lezlee tells me that the first guy that come and sat down asked her if she was flattered that he came over and talked to her. Sir, who even has time for this question?! Yes, so honored, because you are the first guy ever to come up and talk to me in a bar. In the iconic words of Beyonce, boy bye!

3. Bar number three was FatPour where we saw two backpacks and that is all I need to say about that. But, of course I'm going to say more! Like, where are you coming from?! Where are you planning on going?! You literally had no time to drop this backpack off somewhere?! What are you keeping in there?!
Bomb fries at FatPour, by the way! I was also slightly tipsy by than, so take that with a grain of salt.

4. Bar four was Fifty/50 where people were starting to get even friendlier. I actually got into a conversation with one of the backpack guys. He was actually pretty lovely and a philosophy major who asked me how I would solve the "plight" of the African American today. Now, I don't like small talk, but sir, this is too much! I mean, I'm sure I gave a brilliant and articulate answer, so I hope he was taking notes, because I don't remember what I said at all.

5. After I solved racism in American we moved along to the last bar, Innjoy. I've actually been there before and really enjoyed it, so I was so happy to be going back, until people tried to come for my entire existence! So, we are standing outside waiting to get in and I guess the bouncer announced that if any of use were 18 we would have to wait outside and he would get us some water. One lady decides to take it upon herself to turn all the way around and point at me and say, oh she's 18. Excuse me?! I've been here all day! You were the one that get here late!
And then to add insult to injury, one guy yells, she looks more like 12. Now sir, you are just being rude! How are ya'll going to set me up like this?! So, we are just not in this bar crawl together anymore? When I get up to the front the bouncer decides to keep the joke going and say, oh you're the 18 year old right? I hope that you have a good fake i.d. I'm a whole 28! Ya'll are not about to do this with me!

In conclusion, I had an amazing time and this is my second year in a row doing a bar crawl, so it looks like it is a summer tradition now! Can't wait to see what the next one brings!
