Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sermon Notes - 4.8.18

Good afternoon!
I didn't make it to church today (car troubles, bleh!) but, I do have notes from last week!

Sermons series: Becoming Your True Self

- Psalm 25:1
 You are fearfully and wonderfully made. The problem is, we try and live other people's lives.
- "In the coming world, they will not ask you why you were not like Moses, but why were you not yourself?"

- 2 Corth. 5:17
True self: Calm, content, wise, and unafraid
False self: self-agitated, grasping, foolish, and afraid

- Soul = where Heaven and Earth meet
Our souls, when properly formed, reflect God
Only when God is in the center will you be true to who you are

 - 2nd Corth. 3:18 - our souls have a nature to reflecting what we turn towards

- Psalm 131:2 - I am calm
- Psalm 23:1 - I am content
- Psalm 51:6 - I am wise. The person who is impatient, does not trust God.
- Psalm 27:3 - I am unafraid


Monday, April 9, 2018

Four moods - Music Monday

Oh, hello there!

Been a minute since I've done a Music Monday, but Janelle, Drake, Lizzo, and Cardi have all collectively snatched my scalp continually over these past few weeks and so I had to share all their videos, because for the rest of my life, I'll be in one of these four  moods.

Django Jane - My girl said "let the vagina have a monologue" I still have yet to recover!

Fitness - "Booty vicious/Mind your business" My newest mantra. I say it every morning.

Nice For What - "That's a real one in your reflection/without a follow, without a mention/You really pipin up on these niggas/You gotta, be nice for what, to these niggas?" My next tattoo.

Best Life - "I'm my own competition/I'm competing with myself" This line just resonates within my very soul. Shout-out to her for doing a song with the hometown kid as well!

If you haven't seen the videos for Django Jane, Fitness, or Nice For What, I don't even know what you are literally doing, but go watch them all right now!
