Various things can happen on rainy days. Some good, some bad. For example,
1. You can wear lovely boots that have no traction and slip on the stairs. This may not sound so bad, but then the hand that you throw out to catch yourself has your i.d. (which you know is how you get into your building and how you eat) in it which you promptly end up cracking and having to replace.
2. SHANNON HAS A BLOG! It is super fantastic and already better than mine in the one day that she has had it.
3. Shorter classes.
4. People yelling that they love your hair from their car (this happened yesterday but it still is making me smile today!)
5. Changing your blog a little bit. Now you can follow all the wonderful blogs that I follow (and steal stuff from)
6. Adorable smirks from adorable cousins.
7. The good always outweighs the bad!
AH! BLOGS! i love it already. and forever. mine COULD NEVER be as good as yours, with the nuzzling and such :) loooove it and you