Monday, June 21, 2021

Music Mondays - 6.21.21

 Good afternoon! 

Well, it is a rainy afternoon here in the Crescent City and when that happens I usually switch in between Sam Smith and Adele. Something about their voices just really gets me through the storm. 

So, today I wanted to share one of my favorite Sam Smith's songs, which I probably already have, but please enjoy it again! I know I will for the millionth time : )



Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pandemic Posts - March 2020

 Oh hello again! 

First off, let me start off by saying, I think this is the most I have blogged consecutively in some years! Shout-out to me and lets keep this momentum going! 

March 2020. I can't even begin to put into words how I was feeling, but that is not going to stop me from trying! I remember it like it was two seperate months. The first half, was me cleaning out my new space, moving in, and being so excited about it. The second half of it was me moving back in with my aunt and uncle and absolute terror of what was happening in the world. 

Moving in!

Meeting my new neighbor, Polka Dot : )

Really was out here thinking I could stand for 8.5 hours a day. Long gone are those days!

And then the second half of it began. I remember walking into work one day, working for about a half day, and then getting the e-mail to go back home, and not to come back in. I remember completely stopping work at my side job. I remember lessons on setting up Zoom. I remember being completely exhausted and having no idea what was going on. I remember sleeping a lot. I remember thinking, well this isn't going to last too long. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to like working from home. I remember thinking, we are not handling this well. 

Clearly, I had a lot of thoughs swirling through my head in March. But, despite the world descending into chaos, looking back at the pictures I took, there some beautiful moments. 

Siani sent me an absolutely stunning drawing she did of me! 

The city was still beautiful despite slowly being shut down. 

I got a bike! For super cheap too, since they kicked out all the students super suddenly. But, that is a discussion for another day. 

And the memes, of course, were all too relatable around this time! 

I also tried my hand at online dating, and it went as well as you might expect. These three memes below sum up exactly how I was feeling. And the beginning, middle, and end of my online dating tries. 

In conclusion, March 2020 was one that I will not soon be forgetting anytime soon. Welp, until next time! 




Monday, June 7, 2021

Music Monday - 6.7.21

 Hello again! 

It's truly been forever since I've done a Music Monday, I think it has been about a year actually (I wonder what was going on this past year?!), but Olivia Rodrigo's album has inspired me to bring it back!

It is no secret that I'm still very much a teenage girl dealing with a lot of angst surrounding boys, so this album was the perfect kick-off to a post-ish pandemic summer and a reminder to take it easy at the bars, cuz Lord knows I do not need to go through this pain that Olivia is going through. 

God bless baby girl, it gets better! And then worse, and then slightly worse, and then much better again! Enjoy this very terrifying yet, exhilarating waterslide (truly waterslides are scarier then rollercoasters, but we aren't ready to have that discussion yet) we call life : )

Now, enjoy one of my favorite songs from the album, 1 step forward, 3 steps back:




Friday, June 4, 2021

Pandemic Posts - February 2020

 Hello again! 

Back again with another pandemic post. Man, February of 2020 was so much fun! I had more friends come to visit, I was going apartment hunting, I picked up some part time work, and Mardi Gras was in full effect! I was so excited for this Mardi Gras season, because I had friends that knew the lay of the land and let me tag along with them, so to say the very least it was the best!

I truly can't even begin to describe the energy that is Mardi Gras. It sets up the whole year and makes it feel like it's going to be a success. There is no break in New Orleans, because as soon as Mardi Gras ends, you are rolling right into festival season and that stays jam packed until the holidays come back. I remember still just being so excited around this time of year and of course, eating a ton of king cake, and looking forward to everything that was on the horizon.

How I was feeling at the start of Mardi Gras season! 

My Little Pony float from the Chewbacchus parade

Chewbacchus parade float

A Krewe of Leia's!

Krewe de Vieux!


How Lundi and Mardi Gras feel : )

Mardi make-up!

How I feeling at the end of Mardi Gras. Little did I know all that was coming. 

All in all, it was such a succesful, fun, wild, chaotic, Mardi Gras season. Shout-out to Leanna, Kaed, Miracle, and Danielle for getting me through! I wouldn't have made it without ya'll. I didn't know it at the time, but February was going to be the last month that felt regular for awhile and I'm glad that it wasn't wasted. 

Well, March 2020 is up next and I feel like I need to prepare myself to write that blog post, because I was having a lot of feels! Until next time!

