Friday, April 30, 2010

Famous quotes

*Shan and myself discussing tanning.
Me: Well, I peel.
Shan: But you don't peel into a paler color like everyone else. You just peel into a more delicious chocolate color.

*My mom and me discussing boys.
Mom: Katie Girl, this is no time for you to be insecure.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You'll need these ingredients to create a perfect day:
1. Your one and only class cancelled.
2. Sunshine
3. Fro-yo
4. A porch with rocking chairs
5. A good chat with one of your best friends.
6. Someone having the brilliant idea to make funnel cake.
7. Funnel cake
8. A new episode of Glee.
Mix all of these ingredients together and sit back and enjoy the day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ribbons and bows.

I thought my fro was just going to be a fun weekend hairstyle, but as the support continues to pour in I've decided to keep it! So I'm heading off to Wal-mart to buy pretty hair bows and ribbons like these! So excited!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Magic fro!

I love all the support that I am getting for my new hairstlye! I believe my fro has magic powers and I've been using them!
ps- If you wanted to know how I looked during my last post this picture is the exact answer to that question.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yesterday I reached a new level of awkward. I'm talking "sitting alone in a bar with a ballon tied around my wrist" awkward. And you know what? I was completely and totally fine with it!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh what to do...

*What I need to do today:
Find a job for the summer
*What I want to do:
Finish the book Possible Side Effects
Read F U Penguin
*What I've actually done:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Figure it out and let's go!

What I like today: I like re-discovering songs that I loved. Maroon 5's "Figure it out" illustrates this example. Enjoy!

Wide lawns and small minds

While two of my loves travel to Chicago I can't but help think of home and how much fun we are all going to have this summer! But first, I need to get a job. Suggestions are now being taken.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stranger than fiction

love, love, love!

Bedtime stories

I've decided that I've never gotten over the shock of not being read bedtime stories anymore. So as soon as I come into a little cash-flow I'm going to hire people to read me bedtime stories. Morgan Freeman is at the top of the list fo sho.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If John Mayer keeps making music like this I will allow him to have/father my first born child!





What I like today:
Talking to crushes and liking them even more!
ps- This picture represents my state on Little 5. I warn you this picture may not be suitable for small animals and children.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gremlin status

Here is a list of the actual events that happened during my Little 5 weekend:
Went to see the awesome performance of Polvadera (clearly I'm biased because I know and love half the cast)
Jello shots (made by the most wonderful room-mate in the world)
Bed (then I recieve a call that places me back at Hamptonpalooza)
Bro-ed out with Colors (for an obscene amount of time. I've never fratted so hard in my life!)
Hoods and Capers
Back to Sigma Chi
Tour de Franzia (sans hash browns)
*Saturday afternoon-Sunday night
Gremlin status.
And that ladies and gentlemen was my Little 5. Yes, I was that girl that did not even make it to the races (which might have been a good thing because I heard there were some terrible crashes). I forgot the cardinal rule of Little 5 which is, it is a marathon and not a sprint. Well, there is always next year!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Little 5

*Little 5 Weekend schedule
6 pm- Preppy photo shoot!
Bro out with Colors
Triple decker
Cast party at Phi Delt
Tour de Franzia
Breakfast (that hopefully includes the best hash browns ever!)
Breakfast at the Monon
Dinner and the ABC Family original movie Beauty and the Briefcase
(Schedule composed by E)
*Standing in the way of me and the best weekend ever= One paper and the reading of one play.
ps- Shout-out to my wifey who can't be here this weekend. Every fun thing I do I know you are with me in spirit (no she's not dead just studying abroad)!


I forgot to mention that GLEE IS BACK! It come on yesterday and it was simply magical! Ok, this is my last post for today, because I have to go do homework!

I love poetry!

I need to start writing poetry again. This picture is so inspirational!

Tender is the Night

Well Q apparently got cursed yesterday and today I learned that rich white people are insane and they knowingly and unknowingly use people and then dispose of them. Thank you F. Scott Fitzgerald! I always knew it and now it is confirmed.
"Good manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handled with gloves. Now, human respect--you don't call a man a coward or liar lightly, but if you spend your life sparing people's feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you can't distinguish what should be respected in them"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tony Josiah!

Here is the picture of my nephew I promised forever ago! I love him so much!

Things I've enjoyed!

*Things that I have enjoyed today already:
1. The smell of cooking bacon.
2. The book from Augusten Burroughs that I'm going to read.
3. Getting an A- on my paper.
4. The gorgeous purple flower tree I just took a picture of.
5. How hot it's going to be today.

*Things I haven't enjoyed:
1. Sweaty feet due to how hot it is going to be today.
2. Getting told my next paper has no passion and therefore no point.

All in all, the things I enjoy outweigh the things that I don't! Ironically this next paper I'm writing is about love and yet my professor says it has no passion. I believe this is God's way of telling me to go out and find some! Unfortunately I don't think my passion for bacon is going to count. Any suggestions Q?

Today's forecast

Today's forecast= sunshine, smiles, and shorts. Go and get you some!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two for one.

I'm doing another post because I still feel bad for abandoning you! So here is another really cool picture! Because you know what? There really is something addictive about you blogging. I just keep coming back.



I'm sorry for abandoning you my dear blog (and our one follower!) But I'm back and promise to be better! Last time I wrote I had a cold, and now I have a cough and spring fever! The cough has got to go away though so I can advance my spring fever plans, no one is going to want to kiss me if I'm liable to cough up a lung on their face at any second.
Little five is this weekend and I'm so excited! I'm going to have a preppy photo shoot with a friend (pictures soon to come) and basically just bro out for days and days (after I get through a week of work of course)!
Hey Q how is your spring fever coming along?
ps- The above picture is how I want to live out my spring fever!