Monday, April 19, 2010

Gremlin status

Here is a list of the actual events that happened during my Little 5 weekend:
Went to see the awesome performance of Polvadera (clearly I'm biased because I know and love half the cast)
Jello shots (made by the most wonderful room-mate in the world)
Bed (then I recieve a call that places me back at Hamptonpalooza)
Bro-ed out with Colors (for an obscene amount of time. I've never fratted so hard in my life!)
Hoods and Capers
Back to Sigma Chi
Tour de Franzia (sans hash browns)
*Saturday afternoon-Sunday night
Gremlin status.
And that ladies and gentlemen was my Little 5. Yes, I was that girl that did not even make it to the races (which might have been a good thing because I heard there were some terrible crashes). I forgot the cardinal rule of Little 5 which is, it is a marathon and not a sprint. Well, there is always next year!

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