Monday, February 23, 2015

Sermon Notes: 2.22.15

So yesterday, we had a guest speaker, Don Davis, who was all over the place with stories and anecdotes, and I was thinking to myself, he gets it. He did a lot of comparisons between fairy tales and comic books, which obviously I really enjoyed!
If ever I were to speak I think our styles would be very similar, except I probably wouldn't bring it together at all in the end. You'd just be left wondering what I had been talking about for the past hour, but I digress. Here are my notes from his sermon:
- Faith honors God
and God honors faith
2nd Corinthians 5:7

- In the telling of God's cosmic drama, nothing is as it appears at first glance

- To see things as they are we affirm that:
Story - God's gospel for the world
1 John 1:1-4
Community - The church as central in God's plan
Ephesians 3:8-12
If you are a Christian you need to be in community
Every local church is an embassy of God
1 Peter 2:9-10
James 2:5
Reversal - The poor are heirs of the Kingdom

- The grace of God is like liquid, it goes to the lowest point and then raises and fills

Until next time! love,

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