Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sermon Notes - 4.8.18

Good afternoon!
I didn't make it to church today (car troubles, bleh!) but, I do have notes from last week!

Sermons series: Becoming Your True Self

- Psalm 25:1
 You are fearfully and wonderfully made. The problem is, we try and live other people's lives.
- "In the coming world, they will not ask you why you were not like Moses, but why were you not yourself?"

- 2 Corth. 5:17
True self: Calm, content, wise, and unafraid
False self: self-agitated, grasping, foolish, and afraid

- Soul = where Heaven and Earth meet
Our souls, when properly formed, reflect God
Only when God is in the center will you be true to who you are

 - 2nd Corth. 3:18 - our souls have a nature to reflecting what we turn towards

- Psalm 131:2 - I am calm
- Psalm 23:1 - I am content
- Psalm 51:6 - I am wise. The person who is impatient, does not trust God.
- Psalm 27:3 - I am unafraid


Monday, April 9, 2018

Four moods - Music Monday

Oh, hello there!

Been a minute since I've done a Music Monday, but Janelle, Drake, Lizzo, and Cardi have all collectively snatched my scalp continually over these past few weeks and so I had to share all their videos, because for the rest of my life, I'll be in one of these four  moods.

Django Jane - My girl said "let the vagina have a monologue" I still have yet to recover!

Fitness - "Booty vicious/Mind your business" My newest mantra. I say it every morning.

Nice For What - "That's a real one in your reflection/without a follow, without a mention/You really pipin up on these niggas/You gotta, be nice for what, to these niggas?" My next tattoo.

Best Life - "I'm my own competition/I'm competing with myself" This line just resonates within my very soul. Shout-out to her for doing a song with the hometown kid as well!

If you haven't seen the videos for Django Jane, Fitness, or Nice For What, I don't even know what you are literally doing, but go watch them all right now!


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sermon Notes - 3.25.18

Could it be possible? Could I actually be making a post about sermon notes and getting it out on the same day?! I told ya'll 2018 was going to be my year!

Pastor Peter has been taking us through the last weekend of Jesus. So today he talked about Saturday. And let the notes begin:

John 11: 1-44
- "The day with no name"
The in-between day with the silence that you can feel.
Maybe God's silence is not His absence.
Instead of asking "why?" ask "What can God do in this?"

John 11: 17
- 4 days = no hope. People believed that a spirit could linger over a body for 3 days, but after that the spirit was gone.
What do you do when you feel like Jesus is taking forever?
Are we going to judge Jesus love by our circumstances?

- I know that He can. But, sometimes He waits. And I can trust him in the meantime.
Psalm 56:8

- Do you think that someone like Jesus would withhold good from us?
On Saturdays you can be with God unlike any other day, because Saturday God is your only hope.
Jesus enters our Saturday so we can enter His Sundays.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sunday series

Ok, so usually I try and do notes from church, but I haven't been taking them (don't @ me!), so instead I'm going to tell a story that happened on a Saturday and that I was supposed to tell like two Sunday's ago, but am just getting around to it today.

Anywho, it's a story about love, me trying to find it, and being encouraged to find it by people that I already love, and I feel like that is appropriate for a blog about Sunday, since Jesus is love. And this story just contains a lot of love and answers to why I am single. Besides the obvious fact that I really don't like sharing a bed.

 So, this happened like I said a couple of Saturdays ago, I was with my work tribe and we were out and about on the town, for like sort of a work event, but like we were cutting up so I'm not sure if work wants to be associated with that. There was a guy there that Rosie pointed out and said oh, he works here. I turn and look and as soon as I turn back around, Adrianna and Rosie go, oh, he's your type. I immediately start laughing, because they were of course, very correct.

So, I proceed to spend a good chunk of the evening, clocking his moves. At one point he was helping out behind the bar and they send me over to do some damage. And below is the exact conversation that happened.

Me: Walks up and smiles
Him: Smiles
Me: Continuing to smile and getting impatient
Bartender: Very confused, tried to take my drink order.
Me: "So, do you work here?"
Him: "I don't actually work here, but I'll help you out."
Me: "Perfect! I'll take a club soda."
Him: Makes drink and hands it to me.
Me: "Thanks!" I'm pretty sure I smiled again at this point.

I then proceed to walk back to our table and recount this whole story and Rosie and she says that I let down all of Oak Park. So, my bad Oak Park, didn't mean to do it to you! I still feel like this is a W though, because me a couple of years ago wouldn't even have gone up to the bar. So, still no L's in 2018.

As always my loves, stay hydrated, stay moisturized, and stay woke!


Monday, March 5, 2018

Sermon's notes - 3.4.18

Oh hey!
Look at me, I'm just writing all over the place! I figured it's time for me to bring back Sermon notes. Mainly, because I was in church this Sunday and actually took notes. So, a successful day all around. Anywho, without further ado, here you go!

Daniel and the Lion's Den - Daniel 6
- Do you justify sin in your life, because everyone else does it?
John 3:20
- Do you have a Daniel effect on people?
- If Daniel's prayer life was inconsistent, or random, they would have never hatched this plan.
- False self: You are what you do, You are what you  have, You are what other people think of you
True self: You are beloved
- Are there Darius' in your life?
- Faith's about obeying, despite consequences.
- We can not read the story moralistically.
It points to the salvation we have waiting for us in the future
- The miracles in the Bible highlight the way God intended the world to be (it's the restoration of how God wants it to be)
- Because the real Daniel went through the lion's den, we can face whatever lions we have with poise and confidence.
- We can not do this unless God is the lion in our life.
- Daniel looking towards Jerusalem is us looking towards the cross.
- Where can I make the greatest kingdom impact?


As a side note, Amy and myself had some logistical questions about this whole lion's den:
- Where was this den?!
- How far outside of the city was it?
- Why did they have to roll a stone in front of it? Why was it not always there?!
- What did the lions eat regularly in between people?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What do I do?!

Hi again!

I couldn't just leave you with that last post without writing about all the crazy good things that have happened in February! I would never do that, because life is too wonderful and too short to dwell on careless people, when I have the most wonderful people surrounding me! So, what do I do when I am coming out of a funk? Well, I just go ahead and have the trillest Black History Month (which is every month, I'm tired of reminding everyone of this) on record. Here are some of those trill things that I did. In list form of course, because duh, it's me:

1. I went to see Black Panther! Not once, but twice! And probably going to see it again, to be honest. It's for the culture, don't @ me! Shout-out to the fam for that amazing day.

2. Went to the ballet! Not once, but twice! Saw Modern Masters performed by the Joffrey Ballet and then I went to go see Misty Copeland with Shantel and Shanel! Not sure what company she is with and frankly, I do not care. I was there for Misty and Misty only.

3. Had a couple of amazing night outs! One being the night before Black Panther were I got to wear my absolutely amazing white sneakers and didn't scuff or scratch them. I like to thank the power of the opening weekend that was Black Panther for that one! I also got told I look like a singer and my head and heart grew three sizes that night. 
I also got the title for this post from that night. As Cady sat at a table while I was getting drinks (free drinks as it turned out!), two young men were standing by and having a conversation at our table. One of the young man turns and sees Cady, and proceeds to ask his friend, what do I do?! Cady proceeds to burst out laughing and the young men quickly found other things to do.
Young man, I'm about to give you some pro tips so that you are never in that particular situation again. You are at a bar! Literally the whole system is set up for you to win! A great thing to do, is buy me a drink. Extra points if you notice my drink is low and happen to peep what I am drinking and then get me another one. But, this one is hard to do without seeming like you are a creep. I don't have time to school you on all that. Good luck young man, wherever you are. But, since you are young and white, I'm sure you won't have very many problems in life. 

4. Go out on a school night. Now, I wouldn't recommend this. Only do this if your friend is on the aux board of Chicago Gateway Green and is throwing a bomb event with alcohol, food, darts, and the trillest photo booth. Totally worth the hangover I had the next day. Shout-out to Cady for being that aux board member and shout-out to Lezlee for coming with me!

5. I probably also went shopping at some point, because there is no therapy quite like retail therapy.

And that is it! Five simple things I did to get myself out of a funk. On to March we go! 


They were careless people

Hello all,
I did sort of promise to keep up with this little blog a little bit better, and ya'll are not about to make me a liar! February has been complete and utter madness, in both the best and worst ways. Let us start off with the worst ways, because I always want bad news first. And since this is my blog, you are going to get the bad news first.

I've had to have some tough conversations and some of my friends have had to have similar tough conversations this month. And what has been most hurtful about those conversations is how careless people were being with our emotions. And I realize, that is not the intention at all, but nevertheless that is how it is being perceived. Above all things, friendship is so very important to me. I joke with people when I first am getting to know them that it takes me a good two years to really get to know you, and decide I like you enough to finally call you a friend. I'll let you in on a little secret though, it's not really a joke. I like to think that I take my time in getting to know others, because once I've decided you are in, you are in. And it is an extremely painful process for me to lose friends that I have cultivated such memories with over the years.

On this beautiful thing that we call life, I want to surround myself and invest in the best. And it hurts like no other when that doesn't work out. I try to make sure that my friends are not temporary items in my life. So, I may not have many, but that's fine, because I do not need many. That is why, in many cases for me, it hurts more to lose a friend then it does a relationship. For my friends are the ones that I turn to when that relationship doesn't work out. Because, 90% of the time there were red flags from the beginning that they tried to warn me about, but since I'm stubborn, I don't listen, and have to run back to them a month, or two, or three, or four later (or even a whole year, depending on how stubborn I am being) and tell them all the things that they already knew.
Because, my friends are wisest, most caring, most compassionate, most loving, most truthful, most beautiful human beings that I have ever come across. And even when I make a mistake and try to date that guy that they told me not to, when I come to my senses they are still there for me. Waiting with food and laughter, because they know the truest way to my heart.

So, when I say that I want to be friends with you and I've started to build towards that, and it seems to start taking a turn into something else, and so I shift only to find out that isn't what you wanted, nor did you have any plans to head in that direction, I'm not mourning the loss of a potential relationship. I'm mourning the loss of a potential friendship. It hurts that you were careless with my boundaries, even if you felt that you weren't or didn't intend to be, because I wanted to be friends with you for life. And now I can not trust you with that. And I am no way a perfect friend. But, I love them all the very best way that I know how and I do hope that they know that. So, when I call you a friend, just know that these words are just a fraction of what I think of you and how much I love you. Do not be careless with your friends, for you mean more to them then you know.

In conclusion, in 2018, we are no longer dealing with careless people. We are continuing to take no L's. We are continuing to stay hydrated, woke and moisturized.


"I couldn't forgive him or like him, but I saw that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made." - Shout-out to The Great Gatsby

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Coffee Alley

Remember like two years ago when I said that I was going to try this one article suggestions about the 10 best coffee shops in Chicago? Well, I certainly do, because I'm still doing it! I got to have coffee with the absolutely lovely Leah and we went to Coffee Alley over in the UIC area. It was so cute! Check out some of the photos below.

I highly recommend you do the White Chocolate Cookie Dough Latte, which sounds like I'm trying to kill you, but it was heart attack sweet at all. All in all it was another lovely afternoon spent with lovely people in a lovely coffee shop. Someone pinch me, I'm living my best life!


Friday, January 19, 2018

Welcome to 2018

Hello world!
In 2018, we just outchea trying to have great conversations. Please see below examples.

I was out and about yesterday with my good friend Rosie at The Little Gem Café and we were having a delightful conversations, per usual, when we stumbled across a couple of gems.

Gem #1 - On dating
-Rosie - Are you concerned about competition?
Me - I'm never concerned about competition.
-Rosie - I know that's right!

Gem #2 - #Ballislife
-Rosie - He just said that they weren't hungry enough. But, he said it so even-keeled. I was like, you didn't feed them?! Coach Hoiberg is just so boring.
Me - I miss Thibs! Running up and down the court. His voice was always hoarse after a game.

Gem #2 - Resolutions
After on extensive talk about Cardi B.

-Rosie - I just want my 2018 to be as good to me as 2017 was to Cardi B.
Me - When she said a hoe never gets cold, it literally changed my life. I'm literally always cold! I need to start hoeing. This cold has literally seeped into my bones.
-Rosie - This has been a rough winter. It's too late to start hoeing now though.
Me - You're right, I'll have to start hoeing over the summer and hopefully it'll set in by next winter. Goals for 2018, stay hoeing and stay hydrated. Wait, I've got to start first. So, it's my goals are going to be, start hoeing and stay hydrated.

Remember loves, this is your daily inspiration for 2018!
