Welcome to another series I'm starting which shall be called yay's and nay's (or high's and low's depending on my century mood). Let's begin shall we?
*Yay - For Mother's day and my awesome mom! She loved the flowers and cooking ware we got her! And of course all the other wonderful women I know and love who are like mother's to me.
*Nay - For this cold that I suddenly have. Thanks a lot spring weather. You've won again.
*Yay- For Charlotte's (third, and hopefully last) sweet sixteen celebration. She had a great time shopping at Water Tower and then coming back for her bbq (and as always my mom and dad threw down on some food).
*Nay- That I had to miss Laura and Emily's play and I'm sure an awesome performance by Em.Friend.
*Yay- For David. A senior citizen I had the pleasure of talking to on my bus ride home from church. I may have acquired a sugar daddy in him, because he wants to take me to Puerto Rico.
*Nay - For losing Liz's cat. She is wonderful and we want her to come home.
*Yay- For going out on Friday with Monique and seeing live hip-hop performances. It was so much fun!
*Nay - To me for not picking up on this extremely cute guy flirting with me. By the time I realized it, he was gone. Alas, I do hope we met again and you hit on me. Next time I will be ready!
*Yay - For dinner with Cristina tonight! I'm so excited!
*Nay- For the Bull's losing this Sunday. It's ok we're going to get them on Tuesday.
*Yay - For Q's 21st birthday this Tuesday and her upcoming celebrations this weekend!
*Yay - For my christian Travie McCoy look-a-like wearing a striped cardigan and boat shoes to church on Sunday. He can do no wrong and I need to introduce myself to him!
And the yay's have it (as they always should, life is too good for to many nay's). Until next time!